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Kutarere, New Zealand
Tena Koutou katoa! Ko Makyila toku ingoa. Ko Hikurangi me Hiwarau ratou ko Aoraki nga maunga Ko Waiapu me Te Karaka nga awa Ko Iwi Tapu, Ngati Porou, Ngai Tahu, Tuhoe, Te Whanau-a-apanui ratou ko Nga Puhi nga iwi Ko Oranga Ake me Upokorehe nga hapu Ko Takitimu me Mataatua nga waka Ko Roimata me Hinemaurea ratou ko Tuahiwi nga marae Ko Te Kura Tuarua o Opotiki te Kura No Kutarere me Otautahi ahau No reira tena koutou tena koutou kia ora tatou katoa.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Team Member!

This was another thing that we had type about being a good team member within 70-80 words.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

AS90030 Assesment!!

Friday 26 March 2009

Women and Alcohol

She has a glass or two of wine and feels it go straight to her head. He has the
same amount to drink and feels fine.

Researchers confirm something many women have always suspected – it takes less alcohol for a woman to feel tipsy than it does for a man, and it’s not all to do with body size. Even if a woman is the same weight as a man and drinks the same amount of alcohol, she will end up with a blood alcohol level a third higher than his. It will also take a third longer for her body to eliminate the alcohol from her blood.

Why alcohol affects women more than men and potentially more harmful is one of a number of topics covered in a booklet produced by the Alcohol Advisory Council.

Alcohol affects women more than men because women have a higher proportion of body fat and less water in their bodies than men. This means that once it is in the bloodstream of a woman, the alcohol is not as diluted and has a stronger effect. So even if a woman is the same size as a man, she will generally be affected more quickly and feel the effects for much longer than the man will.

Both males and females have an enzyme in their stomach designed to process alcohol into a safer substance, yet for reasons that not yet clear to scientists, this enzyme is 70-80 percent more effective in men than in women. If the liver longer process one drink than his, and a person starts to feel drunk when they drink alcohol in one go.

New Zealand research has found more women are drinking and the amount of alcohol consumed by women is increasing. Young women are also drinking more, and what is particularly concerning is that a significant proportion of young women are adopting a pattern of drinking similar to their male counterparts – that is, consuming large amounts of alcohol in one go.

Other topics included in the booklet are alcohol and women’s health, alcohol and sex, alcohol and pregnancy and alcohol and breastfeeding. There is also a guide to how much is too much and a section on getting help and advice.

Source: www.alcohol.org.nz 24 July 2000

Sunday, March 1, 2009


This is a keyboard that I made in Microsoft Word.
How I did it was we got these shapes and added the symbols and the alphabets on the buttons. So they it looked exactly like a keyboard.
We did this so we can be able to remember what buttons are where.
I found it easy because I knew what I was doing.

What are the reasons it is so dangerous to drink and drive?

What are the reasons it is so dangerous to drink and drive?

The reasons why it is dangerous to drink and drive is because young or older people who think that they’re alright to drive when they’re not. There should no reason for you to drink and drive but there would be heaps of reasons why you shouldn’t drink and drive. Usually a sober driver is always the one who doesn’t drink but when it comes to when they do drink without you noticing, it may lead to a disaster for all of those within the vehicle. However, you could prevent this from happening by committing yourself as a sober driver and when someone asks you if you want a drink, straight away you should say “no!” So you can be relied on those getting back home safely. When your driver does drink and becomes drunk, your role is to either catch a ride with someone who hasn’t been drinking or call in for a taxi. It’s the best way to keep you safe from an accident that might have happened. What causes people to drink and drive is because they either don’t have a ride home or they think they’re alright to drive. Sometimes you maybe driving by yourself and could drift off the other side of the road and make another car full of innocent people die or get caught in a dramatic accident. But it is your responsibility to drive and not drink or drink and not drive.